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AdTime Marketing proudly spearheaded a memorable community engagement event at the 95th Bud Billiken Parade on the Southside of Chicago, showcasing our client, Columbus Vegetable Oils, and their beloved brand, Butcher Boy Cooking Oils. This iconic event, rich in tradition and culture, provided the perfect backdrop to highlight a brand that has been a trusted kitchen staple for nearly 90 years. In an effort to make a lasting impression, we wrapped a CTA bus in vibrant Butcher Boy graphics, transforming it into a much-needed cooling station for the parade’s attendees. This cooling station not only offered relief from the summer heat but also served as a visual reminder of Butcher Boy’s presence in the community.

As part of the activation, we distributed swag bags filled with branded goodies, further reinforcing Butcher Boy’s commitment to the communities it serves. The engagement was well-received, with parade-goers expressing their appreciation for the cooling station and the thoughtful giveaways.

Butcher Boy Cooking Oils, a trusted name in kitchens for generations, continues to be available at your local grocer, ensuring that quality and flavor remain accessible to all. We at AdTime Marketing are honored to have been part of this incredible event, helping to create meaningful connections between Butcher Boy and the vibrant Chicago community.