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Our campaign with Brentview Legal Group strategically targets Southern and Northern California, ensuring widespread visibility and engagement. The two main components include:

  • Bench Advertising in Los Angeles – High-traffic bench ads strategically placed throughout Los Angeles to capture the attention of commuters, pedestrians, and potential clients in key locations.
  • Targeted Direct Mail in San Francisco – A direct mail campaign designed to engage potential clients in Northern California, ensuring Brentview Legal Group’s message reaches the right households and businesses.

By combining outdoor advertising with direct mail marketing, this campaign ensures a powerful and lasting impression. Bench ads create daily brand exposure in high-traffic areas, while direct mail provides personalized outreach, helping to convert prospects into clients.From high-visibility bench placements to precisely targeted mailers, every aspect of this campaign is designed to reinforce Brentview Legal Group’s brand and expand its reach. The combination of these two strategies creates a strong presence in both Southern and Northern California, helping to establish trust and recognition.

If you’re looking to take your brand to the next level with a results-driven marketing campaign, AdTime Marketing is here to help. Let’s create a strategy that puts your brand in front of the right audience at the right time. Contact AdTime Marketing at 847-971-6010 today!

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