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At AdTime Marketing, we pride ourselves on making a difference for our clients and our community. This May, we partnered with our client Columbus Vegetable Oils to host ‘Fill a Bag, Fill a Bus,’ a charity event where grocery shoppers fill bags with non-perishables to benefit the Greater Chicago Food Depository. Taking place at Jewel-Osco’s Oak Lawn and River Forest locations in Illinois, other partners included the Chicago Transit Authority, Weigel Broadcasting Co, MeTV FM, the Chicago Food Depository, and Intersection Co.


bag of food







In addition to Columbus Vegetable Oil’s generous sponsorship and active participation in the event, they also chose to donate an additional $50,000 to the Chicago Food Depository – enough to buy 150,000 meals for food insecure households. According to a study conducted by Northwestern University, 1 in 5 households in the Chicago Metra area experience food insecurity, and these numbers continue to rise. Started in 1979, the Chicago Food Depository had one objective: end hunger. 40 years later, they support a local network of 800 pantries, soup kitchens, shelters and other programs that advance this mission. Columbus Vegetable Oils started on Chicago’s West Side over 85 years ago as a basement endeavor between father and son. Since then, they have expanded into a robust and reputable global supplier of cooking oils. Still a family-owned, Illinois-based business, they continue to demonstrate an unwavering commitment to giving back to the community. We are honored to have been a part of this effort and be able to leverage our services to make a difference; and yes, we filled the bus!


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