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Patriot Motors & Mothers Against Drunk Driving

On May 31, 2024, our client, Patriot Motors, partnered with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) to introduce their joint initiative, “Driving Change with MADD.” This program aims to raise awareness and combat the widespread issue of drunk and impaired driving, marking a notable advancement in community safety.

Patriot Motors

At a well-attended press conference, key figures including Shawn Kohli, Owner of Patriot Motors, and Stacey D. Stewart, CEO of MADD, unveiled the details of their partnership. Patriot Motors pledged to donate $50 to MADD for every new, used, or leased vehicle sold—a commitment that underscores their dedication to making a tangible impact in the fight against impaired driving.

Patriot Motors
The “Driving Change with MADD” initiative not only aims to combat drunk and drugged driving but also supports victims of these preventable crimes and promotes responsible decision-making among drivers. By partnering with MADD, Patriot Motors is not only enhancing community safety in Sturgeon Bay but also setting a precedent for proactive corporate responsibility. To learn more about how you can support the “Driving Change with MADD” initiative and contribute to safer roads in your community, visit and

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Patriot Motors