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August 30th, 2024, our client Patriot Motors of Danville proudly launched their partnership with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), a collaboration we were thrilled to facilitate. The event was a tremendous success, with the community rallying around this critical cause. As part of the event, Patriot Motors of Danville committed to donating $50 to MADD for every new or used vehicle purchased or leased throughout September, supporting MADD’s mission to eliminate drunk driving and promote safer roads.

This partnership enables Patriot Motors of Danville to not only offer exceptional vehicles but also make a meaningful contribution to the community. Their dedication to MADD’s life-saving work reflects a genuine commitment to driving positive change. We’re proud to have facilitated this partnership and look forward to seeing it continue to raise awareness and make an impact.

people gathered for collecting an award

people gathered for collecting an award

a man standing in front of a banner

a woman standing in front of a banner

a man standing in front of a banner