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At AdTime Marketing, we’re proud to partner with clients who prioritize giving back to their communities. Columbus Vegetable Oils is a shining example of this commitment, by actively engaging in impactful initiatives. One such effort is their sponsorship of the ‘First Day, Free Rides’ program, which provides free bus and train rides for K-12 Chicago-area students and their accompanying adults on the first day of school. This initiative not only eases the burden on families but also helps build excitement and unity as a new academic year begins.
This year marks our fourth consecutive year partnering with Columbus Vegetable Oils for the ‘First Day, Free Rides’ initiative. We kicked off the campaign by distributing swag bags at the Clark and Lake train station and followed up by placing advertisements at train stations across the Chicagoland area to further promote the program. We also had the pleasure of visiting Hibbard Elementary School in the Albany Park area, where we handed out Butcher Boy-branded swag to excited students, celebrating their return to school. It’s an honor to collaborate with a client who values community engagement and giving back. As the new school year begins, we extend our best wishes to all Chicago Public Schools students for a successful and enriching year ahead.

women holding bag people waiting for bus bus William g. hibbard elementary school person giving bag to women